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Dead Souls-3
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By Juuhachi-gou and Bulma Part Three "Get...on with it," Piccolo rasped, and spit out a mouthful of his own blood. "Or...are you trying to talk me... to death?" "Leave him alone!" a female voice shouted, and Gohan raised his head, brows knitting across. Then he began to laugh. "Oh you dont really think that will work, do you?" he asked, amused. Bulma thumbed off the safety of her rifle by way of answer. "I dont know if it would anywhere else," she answered tartly, "but I bet if I put a few rounds into your eye itll sting a little. I used to be a pretty damn good shot, Gohan. Do you want to gamble Ive lost my touch?" "Bulma, you idiot," Piccolo husked, "its not--" he broke off as Gohan hit him again across the face, breaking his jaw, then tossed him aside and turned to face Bulma, folding his arms. "Suppose you did shoot me," he said. "I could dodge a bullet." "Who said this gun uses bullets?" Bulma sighted, her aim never wavering even though her stomach felt as if a tiger was clawing its way around inside. "This is a gauss rifle, Gohan. It uses a magnetic field to accelerate a burst of solid metal projectiles to well over the speed of the fastest rifle shell. Are you going to be able to dodge all of them?" A slow, admiring smile spread across Gohans face. "Now thats what I like," he murmured, "a female with courage. I can see why Prince Vegeta would take you for a mate." He gave a sideways glance to Videl. "Well, shes younger, but we can work on that. Ill have you too. If Vegeta objects, Ill kill him." He started forward. "Stop," Bulma warned. "You move one more step, Ill shoot." "Will you? Are you going to kill me, Bulma-san? After you worked so hard to bring me back to life? Didnt you cry at my grave when you buried me, you and Trunks?" Bulma swallowed. "Iie," she forced out. "I didnt cry for you, Gohan. I cried all the tears I had when your father and Vegeta died. But it hurt. It hurt every bit as much. And its going to hurt a lot more than that this time." She pulled the trigger. And Gohan simply wasnt there. In the next second the gun wrenched from her grip hard enough to jolt her injured arm and the pain dropped Bulma to her knees. A wail of metal bending was followed by a thud as her rifle, bent into a neat coil, landed beside her on the ground. Then she was yanked upwards and shaken sharply once. "Lesson One: Im not as tolerant as Prince Vegetas become of you," Gohan said. "Try that again, or anything like it, and Ill break Videls arms and legs in as many pieces as I can one by one while you watch the whole thing." With a second shake he let her tumble to a seat on the ground. "And as for you Videl, the same goes back. Disobey me, and Bulma will suffer. A great deal. Understood?" "H-hai." Videl knelt by Bulma and slipped a protective arm around the older womans shoulders. "Who are you?" she burst out. "Youre not Gohan-kun." "The name wouldnt make any sense to you, and it wont matter. In a little while Ill be Gohan, for all intents and purposes--hn?" Gohan whipped around, just in time to take a ki blast square in the chest that rocketed him well away from the girls. A second later a slender form flashed by, headed after him, and Bulma caught a glimpse of an upraised sword. "Trunks!" she cried, trying to get to her feet. "Trunks, dont take him on yourself, go find your father-!" Trunks heard her, but it didnt change things. As he drew closer he slashed at Gohan, laying the other Saiyajins shirt open and drawing blood. "What the hell are you doing?!" he shouted, furious. "Gohan-san! What are you doing?? And wheres Juu?!" Incredulous, Gohan touched the cut, looked at his bloody fingers, then snarled and leapt at Trunks. "High-born brat," he said savagely. "Kikoug ta!" "N-Nani?" Trunks said, dodging the fist whipping in at him. "What did you say?" "If you dont give in now you wont be around to learn the language," Gohan replied. His hands and feet blurred in a furious series of strikes which Trunks backed and wove and ducked and dodged through, barely keeping ahead of them. "I dont want to have to kill you, Trunks. You can be taught about the way things will be from now on." "Gohan-san, youre-- what are you talking about?!" "This world. Its going to be our salvation. The Saiyajin race will live again." One hand locked in Trunks shirtfront and drew him forward till he was face to face with Gohan. "Well sweep across the galaxies. A thousand worlds for a battlefield!" "Gohan-san, whats wrong with you?!" Trunks shot back. "This isnt you talking! You hate fighting except when you have to. Sparring is one thing, thats just training, but this-!" Luminous blue-green eyes narrowed. "This," Gohan said softly, "is your future. Better choose wisely, Trunks, live and fight or die and be forgotten, like the jinzouningen, like the Namekseijin." "You want an answer?" Trunks drew breath and screamed in Gohans face: "IiiiAAAAAAAAAA!" Energy exploded around him jostling him out of Gohans grip, as he went Super Saiyajin. Blade flashing, he pressed an attack, driving the older man backwards. "Fine. Ill clip your wings, fledgling." Gohan closed in, punching the air before him and sending a volley of ki blasts at Trunks, blasting the ground around him and whipping up a cloud of dirt and rock fragments. Instinctively Trunks leapt into the air, barely avoiding a blow from Gohan. He shot straight up, the other Saiyajin in hot pursuit. As Gohan drew level with him, Trunks suddenly whirled, sheathing his sword and letting himself drop, placing Gohan above him. His hands blurred into a quick series of motions as he summoned his ki. "BURNING--ATTAAAACK!" "Nani?" Gohan said, blinking, then tried to move aside, but too late. The beam caught him full on, sending him crashing to earth. Videl screamed and crouched over Bulma protectively as the young man slammed into--and through--the side of Capsule Corps main dome, bringing a good portion of it down atop him. For several moments all that could be heard was the crash and thunder of collapsing masonry. When it died away Videl looked up, eyes wide with sorrow. "Go..Gohan..?" she stammered. Panting a bit, Trunks dropped lower, trying to catch any activity in the ruins. "Mamma, please move!" he called. "Both of you get clear. He may only be down for a--" A blue-white streak tore up out of the concrete, vaporizing what pieces lay in its path, and enveloped Trunks. His scream was lost in the Kamehamehas roar, but Bulmas wasnt. "TRUNKS! IIE, ONEGAIIIII-!" She reached upwards, as if to stop or blot out the sight of her sons limp form as he struck the ground and lay still as death. "Please no..." Descending, Gohan walked over to Trunks and kicked him in the ribs. The boy groaned, tried to force himself up. With a savage laugh Gohan kicked him again, and a third time. "The strong survive," he said. "Kikoug ta die." "My son is not a worthless half-breed." Hard on the heels of that came a shot that drove Gohan skidding backwards in a trench he dug with his own body. Lowering his hand, Vegeta snarled, "Dig your grave, inu, and Ill help you lie down in it." He moved to stand between Gohan and Trunks. "Vegeta!" Gokou grabbed the other mans shoulder. "You cant kill him!" "Move your hand, or youll be next." "Iie. I cant let you kill Gohan." "Kakarott..." Both men turned and stared as Gohan struggled up and shook off the effects of the blow, took a step forward, eyes locked on Gokou. "Kakarott," he said again, voice trembling. "At last... I see you with my own eyes and not in some dream of the future." "K-Kakarott?" Gokous face twisted in bewilderment. "Gohan-kun... did you hit your head or something? Otou-san da! You dont know me?!" "No," growled a low voice to their rear. "He doesnt. Because hes not Gohan." Gohan scowled. "You heal fast, Namekseijin." "Yeah." Piccolo stood, favoring his left leg. "Comes from eating right and getting plenty of exercise." He jerked his head to indicate Gohan. "Dende dropped the ball on this jerk. Hes a refugee from Hell whos decided to take over Gohans life. If we dont get him out of there soon, itll be a permanent takeover." "Saiyajin," Vegeta said abruptly. "Whoever he was in life, he was a Saiyajin. That word. Kikoug ta. It means more than half-breed. Its an insult of the worst kind in Saiya-go." His expression never wavered, but his eyes promised destruction, and soon. "Do you think Trunks and Gohan were the first Saiyajin to have another races blood in them? Che." His voice lowered, till in the quiet they could all barely hear it. "A low level warrior might get away with it for a while, if the childs coloring was right," he said, as if to himself. "But sooner or later the truth would be found out, the half-blood always made for weaklings... and weaklings die. Even being suspected of half-blood, that would buy you a quick grave. "A higher level warrior or a Prince wouldnt even dream of considering a woman of another race suitable to mate with. And to sire a child by such a woman... that would mean death for them all, the mother killed before the child was born, the father broken and left to die slowly in the wilderness, without honor..." Vegeta trailed off. "If such a child was allowed to live, the sire would never acknowledge it his own, not unless he wanted shame and death to hunt him down." His dark eyes found and locked on Trunks. "My son is not a half-blood," he said, raising his voice. "Hes Saiyajin, and a Prince of the Saiyajin, and I will have it no other way." "Papa..." Trunks whispered. "Papa..." "Be still. This is my fight now." But there was something almost kind in Vegetas voice as he said it, before the rage flashed out again as he turned his eyes back to Gohan. "Show me who you are," he demanded. Gohan closed his eyes, concentrating. His aura flared, shifted, settled into an image that lay over Gohans frame like a transparency. A mans form, clad in Saiyajin battle armor, scouter in place on a face marked by a battle scar. A face which aside from that one mark was identical to Gokous. After a heartbeat Vegetas voice broke the silence again: "Bardock." "Anou..." Gokou edged closer to Vegeta and stage whispered, "whos Bardock?" "A low-level warrior," spat out Vegeta. "Your father, Kakarott," Bardock/Gohan answered. Gokou, predictably, shrieked. "NAAAAANI?!" Piccolo winced. "Good thing Ive got another ear on the other side of my head, that ones shot." "Youre... my...." Gokou took a faltering step forward, and another, staring at the wavering image. "My otou-san?" "Hai." "Then--what youre doing here, inside Gohan?!" "I needed a body or my soul would dissipate," Bardock explained as Videl and Bulma joined the group, Bulma kneeling by Trunks to take him into her arms. "A body that was of my own bloodline, or I wouldnt be able to hold it more than a few minutes. And I have too much to do. I didnt fight my way out of Hell to blow away like leaves in a storm." He held out a hand. "Listen to me now. I didnt want to fight, but those who dont stand with me have to be put down." "You have a strange way of not fighting," Vegeta said, gaze never wavering. "Prince Vegeta. Your... sons not dead yet. He still has a chance to choose to join us." Bardock clenched his/Gohans fists. "I knew what Freeza was going to do. On my last mission, I was cursed... I could see the future. No one would believe me when I warned them that Freeza meant to destroy us, wipe out our world and our race in a single minute." The Saiyajins voice tightened, shaking with fury. "His men killed my squad... left me for dead. I dragged myself back to Vegetasei, begged them to hear, to understand... I saw you, Kakarott, grown, with your true birthright lost to you, forgotten. They wouldnt listen! Baka na!! We couldve stopped Freeza! I was left by myself to try, I fought the terrible destiny..." he stopped, eyes closing. No one moved or spoke. "And I lost," he finally finished in a whisper. "Freeza... I burned alive in the strike that shattered Vegetasei. It was for nothing. Nothing." Bardock looked up again, eyes fixing on each of his audience in turn. "I swore, somehow, I would set it right. Our race didnt deserve to die like that! Cut down like trees, unknowing, unable to fight back! We were Saiyajin, the greatest warriors in the universe. We will be again. Here. Dont you see?! We can build a new home, make this earth a New Vegetasei. Well rule a thousand stars, and no one will ever strike us down again!" "Just how do you intend to do that, let all the other Saiyajin out of Hell too?" Piccolo folded his arms. "Its not that easy." Bardock shook his head. "No. But I dont have to. Our race is alive now--" he gestured at Gokou and Vegeta. "Their blood runs true. Gohans body will do for me, hes worthy, hes proven that. Trunks can live if hell do as hes told." "Saiyajin DNA," Bulma whispered, and everyone turned to look at her. She swallowed hard, looking across at Bardock. "You want to breed a new race of Saiyajin." "Hai." Bardock nodded once. "With Vegeta and Kakarott I have enough to do it. First well take over the Earth and set ourselves up as its rulers. Then, bit by bit, we repopulate the planet with Saiyajin. You can help there, Bulma. I can see it in Gohans memories--" he tapped his temple. "The same way you grew these bodies, you can make the children grow up faster. Well teach them the old way, like we did with the babies we sent out to conquer weaker worlds. The half-bloods can mate with each other, strengthen the Saiyajin blood in their children enough to weed out the weakness the human blood will bring." "Chotto mattei! What about Gohan?" Gokous brows knit across. "What happens to him?" Bardock shrugged. "Hell be remembered as a noble warrior who gave his life so our race could be born again. Almost the truth. Were becoming one. Very soon now his strengthll run out and Ill absorb him completely." Glancing at Vegeta, Bardock added, "You know, Gohan is the Legendary. Thatlll make me strongest of us all when I finish joining with him. Then it would be only right for me to be King. But youll be in command of all the war forces, Prince Vegeta." Grinding his teeth together, Vegeta snarled. "Bakayarou! Kusottare! What makes you think Id let a low-born warrior like you rule anything?!" He took a stance. "And you cant have my son." Gokous face was now thunderous. "You got no right to come along and take someone elses life just because yours ended. You said it was destiny. It had to happen that way. Gohan deserves chance to live youve had yours." He fell into stance right beside Vegeta. "Time to get the hell out of the way." Piccolo swept up Trunks, Bulma and Videl, retreating with them. Bardock/Gohan stared at the pair in front of him, bewildered. "If I have to beat sense into you," he said finally, "I will." His aura flared up again, tiny bolts of energy like lightning lancing through it. It drove the wind before it and sent sand and rocks flying. Gokou half-crouched, protecting his face with one arm and squinting at the invader. "You ready, Vegeta?" he asked. "Dont get in my way," the Saiyajin Prince retorted, then charged forward, feet lifting from the ground as he pushed to Super Saiyajin. "KUSOTTARRRE!!" Gokou was right on his heels. "KIYAAAHHHHH!" Bardock crouched and waited for them, arms slightly spread. As the pair rocketed in at him he leapt straight up, twisting mid-air to fire a volley of ki blasts as they passed beneath him. Rolling to either side, Vegeta and Gokou returned fire. Several hundred yards away, Piccolo held up the edge of his cape as a partial shield. Somehow he just happened to be in the right position to protect Bulma and Videl as well by the action. "This isnt good," he grumbled. "Surely Son-kun and Vegeta can handle Gohan?" Bulma asked as Videl watched the fight in complete astonishment. "Yeah. Gohan they could. This isnt Gohan." Piccolos eyes hooded. "The kid always holds back a little. Part of him loves competition and the chance to use his power. The other part wishes hed never have to raise a fist again. Never have been able to get him past that. But this Bardock guy... hes not holding back one bit. And thats only the tip of the iceberg." "Nani?" "Kaiou-sama told us something fun about the Saiyajins once while we were in Heaven. Turns out once every generation an extra powerful Saiyajin gets born. One that makes all the others look weak by comparison." The Namekseijins mouth twisted wryly. "Bardock mentioned it just now. The Legendary. He meant the Legendary Super Saiyajin. And lucky us, this generation it turned out to be Son Gohan." "Theres got to be something we can do..." Trunks started to push himself off the ground, to be restrained by one taloned green hand. "Dont," Piccolo said simply. "You go out there the way you are now, not only will you get in the way, youre likely to wind up getting used as a hostage. Bulma, didnt you say something earlier about Juuhachi-gou?" "Juu!" Trunks gasped. "H-Hai, Go--ah, Bardock said something about her too, and...and it didnt sound good." "Can you fly?" "I think so. Hai." "Good. Take off. Try and find the wind-up girlie. Get her back here where Bulma can check her out. Ill keep an eye on the fight." Silently he added, << And your mom. >> Trunks nodded once and took a few steps away, powered up, and flew off. It didnt take him long to find the jinzouningen; a huge crater marked her impact point. He landed, approached her cautiously. "Juu?" The tattered form made no response, no motion. Blue eyes stared sightlessly upwards. Swallowing past a tightening throat, Trunks knelt and took her wrist, felt for a pulse, found nothing. Hoping hed simply missed it, he put a hand to her neck to double-check. The next second he was lying on his back staring up at a fist ready to smash into his face. "Juuhachi-gou!" he shouted. "Juu-chan!" "Dont shout. My ears are better than any humans." Juuhachi-gou lowered her fist. "Trunks. Gohans gone--" "Iie. Its not Gohan." The cyborg blinked. Once. "Care to explain that one to me?" "In a minute. Youre okay?" "Ive felt better, but Im alive." "I thought--" Trunks swallowed hard. "I was worried... you werent." The faintest smile crossed Juuhachi-gous features. "Were you." She shook her head. "When I realized Gohan, or whoever, was really trying to kill me, I decided to give him what he wanted. I cut off my power temporarily. I guess it worked, he obviously doesnt know a lot about jinzouningen. We regenerate." She moved off Trunks chest and stood, sweeping her hair back. "Kuso, theres a lot of power being thrown around over there!" "Papa and Gokou-san are trying to stop Bardock. Thats the one who attacked you. Hes possessed Gohan." "Wonderful. Im sure it doesnt bother Vegeta in the least, but that means Gokous not going to fight at full power for risk of hurting his baby boy. Come on." She put out a hand and hauled Trunks to his feet. Together they set off back to the battleground, joining Piccolo and the others. Meanwhile, Vegeta had reached the exact same conclusion. "Damn you, Kakarott," he hissed under his breath as he watched Gokou and Bardock exchanging blows. "Fight, dont dance with him!" Ducking under a palm strike, Bardock dropped and swept Gokous feet out from under him, then came down with an elbow in the pit of Gokous stomach, knocking the breath out of him. "Kakarott, listen to me," he said urgently. "Im your father. That has to mean something to you." "Means you ought to be nicer to your grandson," Gokou retorted, and slammed a knee up into Bardock/Gohans stomach, then grabbed him by the shoulders and rolled Bardock into a pin. "Gohan... Gohan-kun... I know youre in there. Its Otou-san. Say something, okay?" Bardock snarled and slammed a punch into Gokous jaw, sending him sprawling. "Dont try that again!" He cupped both hands in front of him, drew them to the side. "Kaaaaaa... me....." "Yamero!" Gokou knelt up, holding one hand in front of him. "Gohan, dame na! Dont do it!" "H.Haaa.. m..." Bardock shivered violently, took a faltering step backwards, hands rising to clutch his temples as he fell to one knee. His entire expression changed. For a moment a tired, frightened Gohan looked out of his own eyes again. "Otou-san..." he said, voice breaking. "Im fading." "Gohan-!" Gokou put out a hand. As he did, Gohan shivered again, then straightened, mouth curling in irritation. Gokou froze, sensing the moment had passed and Bardock was in control again. "Bardock," he said quietly. "Stop now. Give me back Gohan." "No." Bardock leveled his hands again. "Kaaaa-me-Haaaaaa-me--HAAA!" Gokou never even tried to move. The blast flung him back to crash into the standing portion of Capsule Corporation. He slid down the wall with a groan, struggling to clear his head as Bardock bore down on him. "Oh for crying out loud." Piccolo put two fingers to his forehead. "Im gonna regret this in the morning. You want to hightail it, kid," he added to Trunks. "You and Juu get Bulma and the girl--" "My names Videl," Videl snapped, hands on hips. "Save the introductions. Leave." Energy crackled around his fingertips as he thrust his hand out in front of him. "MAKANKO SAPPOU!" Bardock dodged, but not quite enough; the energy wave knocked him to the ground as it burned along his side. At the same moment Vegeta thrust out an arm, palm flattened, and screamed, "BIG BANG ATTACKKK!" The earth around Bardock exploded in fire and smoke. Videl covered her mouth to stifle a scream; Bulma shook her head slowly, not sure whether to pray theyd succeeded or failed in stopping the Saiyajin intruder; Trunks and Juuhachi-gou exchanged long glances, then watched the eddying dust. For a long moment nothing stirred in the thick haze. Then a second Makanko leapt out of the darkness, searing a path right at Piccolo and blowing him backwards as Trunks and Juuhachi-gou each grabbed a passenger and took off for the nearest cover. A third, aimed low, followed on its heels, catching Vegeta off-guard. He, too, toppled, clutching his leg and grimacing in pain. Slowly Gokou stood, face expressionless. "Gohan.... Gomen na..." His voice fell to a whisper. "Forgive. Cant let this go on, ne?" Stepping away from Capsule Corporation into the clear, he concentrated. In his cupped hands power flared, a miniature blue-white star. Slowly he drew back. "Kame...Hame...HAAAAAAA!" Catching sight of the oncoming shot, Bardock whirled and fired his own Kamehameha back. The two blasts met head on, swelling into a ball of power too bright to look at. For long moments the two men struggled, neither one giving way, as the orb rippled back and forth, eating away at the ground beneath it. Then Bardock drew a deep breath and screamed defiance, his aura flaring into a tower as his Kamehameha blew through Gokous and slammed into the other Saiyajin. Hurled backwards helplessly, Gokou dug a trench with his shoulders, stopping only when he hit an outcropping of boulders and shattered them with the impact. Gritting his teeth, Vegeta stood, limping over to collapse beside Gokou. "Hes too strong," he panted. "This is lunacy." He laughed bitterly. "I wouldnt tell a baby this story." "Yeah. I noticed," came the faint reply. Slowly, inch by inch, Gokou levered himself up, gasping. "Its only one thing left to do." "And that is?" Gokou gave a little rueful laugh. "Fusion ha." "K..khh..." Vegetas eyes widened. "Bakayarou! Chikusho! Maasaka! I swore I would never do that with you again!" He leaned in and hauled Gokou close, all but screaming in the other Senshis face. "Does your tiny brain understand the concept of never?!" "Vegeta. Its Gohan. Hes dying in there." "What difference should that make to me?" "What you would do if it were Trunks?" "Leave Trunks out of this!" Vegeta released Gokou and slammed both hands flat to the ground, fingers digging in as he shook in rage. "Once was too damned often. Id rather die and be locked in Hell for eternity than go through that idiocy!" Gokou only looked at Vegeta, then smiled wearily. "Hai. Wakatta. Its hard thing." He turned, considering Bardock, then closed his eyes and sighed. "Promise me you take care of ChiChi? Its going be hard on her, having us go back so soon to Heaven." "N..Nani?" "I cant let Bardock keep Gohans soul." Gokou opened his eyes and looked up at the sun. "Worked on Koola... should work on Bardock too. Well be up there so quick he wont have chance to escape." Slowly he got to his feet. Scowling, Vegeta also looked up, then understood what Gokou was saying. "Kakarott," he gasped, "Kakarott..." "You going to promise?" With a snarl Vegeta was on his feet. "Iie!" Face twisting in anger, he backhanded Gokou savagely. "Baka na! How dare you think of that? I wont permit it! Have you forgotten already? Youre mine to kill, Kakarott. The time of your life and death are mine to choose, not yours. If you think youll sacrifice yourself and escape my vengeance, youre wrong." His voice lowered, grew cold as ice. "And youre not going to sacrifice yourself to prove me a coward either. I am the Prince of the Saiyajin. If a low-born peasant like you can go through Fusion, so can I!" He stepped back and took the first stance of the Fusion. "Ikisho!" "Yosh!" Gokou took up a mirror pose beside Vegeta. "Sankyuu, Vegeta!" "Youll pay in years of agony for this." Vegeta swallowed hard. "Fuuuuuuu--" "--sion!" finished Gokou. Then both men leaned in at the same moment, their voices chorusing as their index fingers met: "HAAAAA!" Raw energy washed over the land, tumbling things before it like straws. Trunks and Juuhachi-gou threw themselves down over Bulma and Videl, respectively, and dug their hands into the ground to hold on. Even the rocks around them seemed to groan and shift as a white fury filled the world. In a few seconds the air stilled, but it tingled with the presence of power. Raising his head warily, Trunks gaped. Where his father and ojisan had stood only seconds before, only one person stood now, and he looked like some eerie blend of the both of them. With quiet self-assurance he was facing Bardock, who looked about as stunned as Trunks felt. "Who--" Trunks stammered, then fell silent as burning emerald eyes shifted his way. Even at a distance Trunks could feel their gaze, sense the mind behind them turning its attention to him. Not unkindly, but with a terrible intensity that took his breath away. "I am neither Gokou nor Vegeta," the figure said, in a voice that was Gokous and Vegetas perfectly blended, flawlessly in chorus. "I am the one born to send Bardock back to Hell. I am Gogeta." For a heartbeat Bardock said nothing. Then he bared his teeth. "I wont let you!" he shouted. "I wasnt expecting this, but even this wont help you!" Gogeta didnt reply. He only took a ready stance and waited. "AIYAAAAHHHH!" Bardock flew forward, ramming his fists into his opponent, a hundred punches in the time it took to count to ten. Each time Gogetas arm or open hand was there to deflect or block the punches, casually, almost effortlessly. Frustrated, Bardock drew back, cupped his hands and fired a point-blank ki blast. When the dust settled, Gogeta was still standing. Shoved backwards a few feet by the force of the shot, yes, but only because the earth beneath his feet had given way; there wasnt a mark on him. The faintest smile touched his lips. "Full power combat begins now," he said, and rocketed straight up at Gohan, the two of them vanishing into the clouds. Slowly Trunks stood up, shielding his eyes and peering upwards. Flashes of light and reverberating cracks--the sound of fist on bone, he knew--turned the heavens into a tempest worse than any thunderstorm. More than that, he could feel the fight; it burned across his skin, in his nerves. "Su-sugoi," he breathed. "Impressive," Juuhachi-gou agreed, standing beside him. She turned and looked at Videl. "Are you all right?" Videl only stared back at her, trembling. "Why?" she burst out. "Why are you worried? I was going to help Gohan--whoever--destroy you! Why did you help me, protect me? Doush'te?!" "Do you think I hate you?" "Why dont you?!" Videl lunged, her fists beating a tattoo on Juuhachi-gous chest. "You killed... my father..!" With a choked sound she slid to her knees and began to cry, the sobs shaking her whole body. Juuhachi-gou watched her for a second, a helpless little frown settling on her features. Then she knelt, put her arms around the young woman. Videl tried to pull back, then collapsed in the embrace and cried all the harder. "I didnt... have anything... to live for," she gasped between sobs. "So you lived to hate me." Juuhachi-gou nodded once. "Because that was the only reason you could think of to go on living." Videl nodded, the first wave of tears starting to lessen. "Well, at least you lived, didnt you." Juuhachi-gou drew a long, long breath she didnt need and let it out slowly. "But I just keep not doing anything to be hated for." "H-Hai." "Baka." Juuhachi-gou stroked the young girls hair. "Hating is easy, isnt it? I ought to know. I spent most of the life I can remember hating humans, because of what one human did to me. Gero took away my life, and Juunana-gous, and put something in its place that only pretended to be a life. So I wanted everything that reminded me even a little of what Id lost destroyed. But I never stopped to think what Id have if Id actually managed to destroy all the humans." She tilted her head to look down into Videls face. "I know better now," she said quietly. "I have better now. Because if hates all you live for, when the hates gone, you have nothing." Videl looked up at Juuhachi-gou, searching her face for something, Juuhachi-gou didnt know what. But she mustve found it, because in a few seconds she started to cry again, but more softly this time, and hugged Juuhachi-gou hard. The cyborg found it strangely easy to let her do so, and to return the embrace. Maybe... maybe because when one person whose life I ruined forgives me...I can forgive myself a little too. "I'm...sorry," Videl choked. Juuhachi-gou put a hand gently on the girl's back. "For what it's worth," she said gently, "so am I." Far above, the scene was less forgiving. Bardock wasnt holding anything back now, if he ever had been, and hed already scored several good hits. During a brief lull, Gogeta watched him closely, knowing Gohans potential. He could match it, he knew, but only for the duration of the Fusion. When Gokou and Vegeta returned, they would be exhausted, unable to continue the fight. The problem was, how to drive Bardock out without killing Gohan? Have I thought about the fact Gohan may not even be there to save any more? No, I cant accept that! "Give up," Bardock said, almost casually. "I know you cant last." "Thats not an option." Gogeta smiled. "You have something youre not supposed to. Im here to take it back." "Youre powerful. I didnt think there could be anyone stronger than Gohan. But his memories tell me the Fusion doesnt last long, and the more power you call up, the shorter your existence will be." Bardock shook his head. "Why are you trying so hard to stop me? You cant tell me the idea of a New Vegetasei is that bad." "It is when youre the one who makes the rules. You wont let anyone say no to you. What kind of world is that? Youll be another Freeza yourself before long." Bardocks eyes blazed. "No! Ill never be!" Teeth bared, he charged in, fists swinging. Gogeta blocked most of them, but the last one got through to slam into his shoulder painfully. As Bardock closed in, Gogeta brought a knee up into Bardocks stomach. With a wheeze Bardock few back a few feet, clutching his midriff. Then he straightened, one hand darting out. "MAKANKO SAPPOU!" Gogeta was already in motion as the beam lanced at him, but Bardock had anticipated that, and began to shower the area around the centerpoint of the beam with smaller blasts. Some of them, purely by virtue of sheer numbers, hit Gogeta. He was blown backwards a bit, and Bardock pounced on him, whipping him into a full nelson before the Fusion could move. "Now we wait," he panted. "Only a half hour, Gogeta, and then my son and Vegeta will see sense--" "Or die?" "Iie. If they wont cooperate... I cant lose them." Softer, almost as if to himself, Bardock added, "I wont lose him again." Lose him? Kakarott! He means Kakarott! But, why? He never met Gokou! He saw him as a child. Does he care, maybe, a little? Speculate on it later, baka, I have to get free. Bardock scowled. "What are you laughing at?" "You dont know everything Gohan knows. You didnt expect the Fusion because you didnt know it could be done till it was. Then you made him tell you, didnt you?" "Do you think Id tell you if you were right?" "I know I am." Gogeta relaxed, arms sagging at the elbows. "I know something else too." Unseen by Bardock, the other warrior tucked all but the first two fingers of one hand in, pressed those two against his forehead. "Shuken Idou!" And he disappeared. "NANI?!" Bardock roared in rage, trying to watch in all directions at once. "Where the hell are you?!" "Here," Gogeta said, reappearing behind him, and slamming his clasped hands down hard in the middle of Bardock/Gohans back. The younger man cried out sharply and rocketed downwards, hitting the ground like a bomb. Gogeta was right after him, and as a dazed Bardock struggled to stand, a well-placed kick put him flat on his back. Gogeta straddled him, pinning him, and drove his feet and hands into the rock like living manacles. "You cant hold me forever," Bardock snarled up at him. "Not planning to." Gogeta leaned on, locking his gaze on Bardocks. "Gohan. I know you can hear me. Listen to me." "Gohan hears nothing I dont let him hear!" "Na, I dont think so." Gogeta closed his eyes, centering himself. It was dangerous, what he was trying, it might mean defeat, but if it worked... deliberately he forced one side of himself down, the half of his soul that was Vegetas, letting Gokous influence take ascendance. For a moment his form wavered as the delicate balance that was his life shifted dangerously. Too much and he would trigger the end of the Fusion prematurely, not enough and Gohan would never hear the voice he needed to hear above all else now. Only Gogeta was strong enough to restrain a Legendary Super Saiyajin... but only Son Gokou could call Gohan back out of the darkness. "Gohan..." Bardock stopped struggling, face twisting in amazement. "Ka...Kakarott?" he murmured. "Gohan-kun... otousan da....Come on, say something, I know you hear me..." For a moment nothing happened. Then Bardock broke out in a sweat. "No," he gritted between clenched teeth, "no, boy, dont you--I refuse--" his head snapped back to strike the ground hard and the ghost-image thatd concealed Gohans body and face wavered like a soap bubble. "Gohan..." Gokous voice, alone, singular. Gogetas form wavered again and his face twisted in pain. A glow of white light surrounded him and began to intensify as the Fusion began to break down. "Tou....Otou-san..." Gohans features broke through the illusion of Bardocks as if through a film of mist. "Gohan, fight him. I know you can do! Youre strongest of us all. This is your life, dont let anyone take second chance from you. You can do it. I believe in you. Kick Bardock out! Hes only old ghost and bad memories. Youre Legendary Super Saiyajin. Youre my boy. I love you, Gohan... come home...!" Gogetas body became a shining silhouette of energy which abruptly split in half, each half a whole form. As the light faded Vegeta and Gokou opened their eyes, each struggling to get his bearings before the next blow fell. With the last of his strength Gokou began to crawl back over to his sons side. "Ya..Yamero-!" Vegeta rasped. "Baka..." "Gohan," Gokou whispered, not even hearing the angry voice behind him. "Gohan. Wake up now." Very gently he reached out to rest a hand over Gohans heart, feeling it racing under his palm. "Gohan-kun..." Gohan arched suddenly, pulling in a long, deep breath and letting it out in a piercing scream: "Hanaaash'teeee!" His hands dug into the ground, grip shattering the rocks it closed on. "Watashi wa shinanai! I WONT DIE!" He convulsed again, then half-sat up as a great flood of mist gushed out of his mouth. As it tore out of him, Gohans eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed, covered in sweat and shivering. Anxiously Gokou cradled the young man. "Gohan...?" In a few seconds Gohans eyes fluttered open, looking around in fearful confusion until they lit on Gokous face. Then they filled with glittering tears. "Otou-san," he sobbed, and buried himself against his fathers chest just as if hed been no more than 5 or 6 again. "I couldnt, couldnt find... my way out..." "Yosh, yosh, yosh," Gokou soothed, holding Gohan close. "Over now." He turned to look at the patch of mist that was all the form Bardock had without a stolen body. It had gathered into a tight little ball and was swirling like a slow-motion top. "I told you you cant have my son," he said under his breath. "Now why you dont go back to Hell? Where you belong?" The mist stopped swirling, just as if itd heard him speak. It seemed to tremble on the verge of dissipating; then its shape changed as it flattened, lengthened, lashing out like a serpent. The sheer speed of it startled Gokou that he caught his breath-- And, borne in on that breath, Bardock poured into him. "Tou-saaaaan!" * * * * | ![]() | ![]() |
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