
| GENE STARWIND Outlaw Star's lead character, Gene Starwind is the typical space opera hero ... in other words, he's a gun toting, arrogant womanizer. Fortunately, he has the skills to back up his boasts. As a child, he watched as his father was killed by space pirates before his very eyes, and as a result, he has a special hatred for all pirates. Even after forming Starwind and Hawking Enterprises with his partner, Jim, Gene still dreamed of making it into space and assuming the life of an outlaw in search of fame and treasure. He certainly got more than his fair share of both. In addition to being an ace pilot, quite adept at grappler ship combat, Gene is quite capable in both hand to hand and armed combat. His favorite weapon, however, is his Caster gun. A relic from ancient times, it fires Caster shells, bullets which contain magic. Because it is a different type of magic than the Tao magic used by the pirates who are pursuing him, it is especially deadly against them. Unfortunately because it is such an old weapon, ammunition is not easy to come by, and Jim is forever cautioning his partner to go easy on the ammo, because they have no idea how long it will be before they can get more.
HOT ICE HILDA An Outlaw of some renown, Hilda, nicknamed "Hot Ice" pulled off a spectacular heist, stealing the XGP15A-2 and the android Melfina out from under the noses of both the Space Forces and the Pirate Guilds that built it. Captain of she ship Horus, she is well connected in the Outlaw underground, being old friends with the mechanic Swanzo as well as various others. Hilda has no problem with elimating anyone in the way of accomplishing her mission, ultimately even committing suicide, killing her and several pirates, allowing Gene and company to escape.
MELPHINA Melfina is a bio-android built by Gwen Kahn using alien technology even he did not understand. Her purpose? Navigate to the centre of the Galactic Leyline and once there, unlock its secrets. Built as an advanced bio-android, Melfina is a synthetic human, but lives and breathes like anyone else. At the conclusion to the quest for the Galactic Leyline, Melfina makes a wish to be with Gene always, and the part of her that interfaces with the Leyline vanishes along with it ... whether this means she is now a human is not revealed. In general, though, Melfina is like a naive young girl living in constant wonder and amazement at the diversity of the universe. She has a special interest in cooking, and is on good terms with the other members of the Outlaw Star's crew. and as has already been mentioned, is in love with Gene ... affection that he returns.
JIM HAWKING The other half of Starwind and Hawking Enterprises, young Jim Hawking is truly a child prodigy. He is the son of a famous computer hacker known as the Computer Wizard, but beyond that, nothing is known of his family (although it is implied that his parents are dead). While it's never made clear exactly how he and Gene ended up as partners, Jim does consider himself the brains of the operation. In the original Japanese language version, Jim always referred to Gene as "aniki", which, depending on how you translate it, can mean everything from "mentor" to "one's senior" to "elder brother". Regardless of how you translate it, however, it's clear that Jim and Gene aren't related, and the "mentor" definition is actually closer to the truth. Both the English dub and sub tracks ignore the word, and instead have Jim always refer to Gene by name, which was a wise move, as any of the direct translations would have been overly cumbersome. Jim gets along well with pretty much everyone, eventually even overcoming his distrust of Suzuka. He sees Melfina as a pseudo-mother figure, lending support to the theory that his own parents are no longer around. In addition to being the stereotypical computer, electronics, and mechanical whiz kid, Jim also attempts to keep a handle on Gene's extravegent ways, constantly reminding his older partner how little money they have left, and how hard finding Caster shells is becoming.
TWILIGHT SUZUKA A renowned and feared assassin throughout the Galaxy, the woman they call "Twilight" Suzuka is both beautiful and deadly. Wielding a wooden bokken, which can't be detected by weapons scanners, she prides herself on her ability to assassinate her targets exactly at the time she promises. Her nickname, "Twilight", refers to her preferred time for carrying out such executions. Her normal sword technique is more than sufficient for disposing of normal opponents, but Suzuka also has several hidden techniques that she only uses against worthy foes. You have to admit, someone who can cut through an oncoming bus with a wooden sword is not someone you would like as an enemy. It is said that no one has ever been targeted by Suzuka and lived, however, one was spared ... Suzuka was contracted by one of Fred Luo's rivals to take him out, in response to Fred's increasing prominence in the weapons market. However, Gene intercedes, offering to protect Fred in exchange for weapons and equipment for the Outlaw Star. In a climatic fight, Gene manages to defeat Suzuka, making her promise to kill him before Fred. However ... Suzuka finds Gene to be interesting company, and as she has no love for the pirates, joins our merry crew for some interstellar adventure. It seems Suzuka's parents were killed by a member of the Anten Seven who had stolen her appearence. To exact her revenge, she dedicated herself to the mastery of swordsmanship, developing new techniques for the day when she would finally face her tormentor.
AISHA CLAN-CLAN Aisha Clan-Clan is a Ctarl-Ctarl, a race of cat-like beings. She was an Ambassador for the Ctarl-Ctarl Empire, sent out on a mission to find the Galactic Leyline for the glory of the Empire. Unfortunately, a run-in with Gene and crew found her stripped of her Ambassadorship and without money or support from her homeland. Determined to complete her mission, she is forced to take on various part time jobs until she finally hooks up with the crew of the Outlaw Star. In addition to having super strength typical of the Ctarl-Ctarl, Aisha can transform into an even more powerful form ... a beast resembling a cross between a wolf and a tiger with amazing destructive potential. While all Ctarl-Ctarl are blessed with this ability, few of her race can match her strength in either of her forms.
DEATH ROB A wanted criminal on the border world Senteinel III, Rob Cain, better known as "Death Rob" has killed 30 men. His aggressive behavior is supplemented by cyborg modifications to his body, classifying him as a Type 3 cyborg. These enhancements give him superior strength and resistance to damage, as well as a right arm that can be shaped into various blunt and edged weapons.
FRED LUO Fred Luo is a successful arms and weapons dealer who makes his base of operations on Sentinel III. He's also quite blatantly gay. Gene and Jim dread visiting him for he is rather ... forward ... with his affections, and as Jim said, "I never know how to act around him." Regardless, he frequently sells weapons and equipment for the Outlaw Star to our heroes, and even goes so far as to sponsor them in the Space Race.
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