
| Name: Tenchi Masaki SEX: Male AGE: 17 PHYSICAL AGE: 17 HAIR COLOR: Black EYE COLOR: Brown ORIGIN: Earth Tenchi Masaki thought he was an ordinary Japanese High School student, who spends his summer vacations at his grandfather's Shinto shrine in rural Japan, until one day strange women started dropping into his life- literally. Since then he's flown to distant planets, defeated powerful villains, and even traveled through time. Has altering the course of history changed him? Not really, he's the same modest person, willing to accept life at face value, and ready to help those in need. The discovery that he has Jurai Royal blood only reinforces his desire to live a normal life. Too bad his peace keeps being interrupted by uninvited guests and all those women! His mother, Achika, died a few years after his birth, so Tenchi lives with his father, Nobuyuki.
NAME: Ryoko SEX: Female AGE: 5017 PHYSICAL AGE: 17 HAIR COLOR: Pale Blue EYE COLOR: Amber ORIGIN: Washu's Symbiot Ryoko, a demon created by the scientist Washu, reeked havoc on the Earth 700 years ago. The word "Ryoko" is roughly translated as "demon summoner." Using the three gems for power Ryoko is invincible. She only needs one gem to summon a demon, but two, one in each wrist, to control the demon she summons. When she was defeat by Yoshou 700 years ago, he put he gems in the hilt of his sword, Tenchi-ken, and condemned her for all eternity in a tomb at a Shinto shrine. When she was released 700 years later by Tenchi, Ryoko took on her favorite form, not as a mummified demon, but a beautiful, female, space pirate, wanted throughout the galaxy, and she wanted revenge. The three gems she had before were created in another dimension and could not be recreated by anyone in this dimension. Still, over time Ryoko was able to create a gem just like it, but less powerful. She was almost done with her first one when Tenchi released her. Ryoko used this gem to create and energy sword to defeat Tenchi, but was once again no match for the Tenchi-ken. Ever since Ryoko was created on the planet Jurai, Ryoko and the Princess Ayeka have been arch rivals, and after she was released from the tomb by Tenchi, she encountered Ayeka once again in a Fierce battle. Ryoko had witnessed Tenchi's entire life and had always had a soft spot for him and was the only one who could sense that he too had royal Jurai blood when they met up with Ayeka. Over time Ryoko fell in love with Tenchi, and even though she had saved an egg from her ship, Ryooki, she chose to stay on Earth with Tenchi, even if it meant fighting with Ayeka over Tenchi's affection. NAME: Ayeka Masaki Jurai SEX: Female AGE: 717 PHYSICAL AGE: 17 HAIR COLOR: Purple EYE COLOR: Red ORIGIN: Jurai Ayeka is prim, proper, and demure, the perfect model of a Jurai crown Princess. Except when Ryoko's around. Ayeka's attraction to Tenchi stems from her admiration of his quiet inner strength, and his eligibility: the young man has Jurai Royal blood, after all. Ayeka was once engaged to her half brother, Yosho, Tenchi's grandfather. This ironically makes Ayeka, Tenchi's great aunt. Ayeka's happy on Earth away from her Royal duties and would be suitor which are a constant burden. Someday she plans to marry Tenchi and live in Royal splendor on Jurai...if only that space pirate would just go away. Ayeka's father, Azusa is the King of Jurai. Her mother, the Queen of Jurai, is Misaki.
NAME: Sasami Masaki Jurai SEX: Female AGE: 708 PHYSICAL AGE: 8 HAIR COLOR: Blue EYE COLOR: Pink ORIGIN: Jurai Sasami Masaki Jurai is the younger sister of Ayeka and the second crown Princess of Jurai. When Ayeka left to search for Yoshou, Sasami snuck onto her ship and was a stowaway on the journey. When they got stranded on Earth Sasami shows her sweet side at Tenchi's place. Originally "Pretty Sammy" from Kiyone's Side Story, Sasami is very down to Earth and is probably the most calm and collected of all the girls. When Ryoko hatches Ryooki, her and Sasami are inseparable. Sasami is also good friends with Yugi, who is willing to spare her life during her attack on Tenchi's family. At the house, Sasami is an excellent cook, everyone will wake up early just to eat the breakfast she makes. Sasami's mother and father, Misaki and Azusa, are the Queen and King of Jurai. Sasami has a strange marking on her forehead know as "Emblem of Power" which glows when she has a recurring dream of Tsunami. During an attack by Ryoko, 700 years ago, Sasami wandered onto Tsunami the ship. While inside Sasami slipped off a platform and fell to her death, but to save her life, Tsunami asimilated with Sasami. When Sasami gets older, she will look exactly like Tsunami and they will become one form.
NAME: Washu SEX: Female AGE: 20,000 PHYSICAL AGE: 12 HAIR COLOR: Red EYE COLOR: Green ORIGIN: Jurai Washu is known as the smartest scientific genius in the universe. She created Ryoko and Ryo-oki and likes to think of herself as Ryoko's "mother." Thought to be an evil demon 700 years ago, Washu was cast away somewhere in the Masaki shrine. 700 years later she was released during a fight between Ryoko and Ayeka when Ryoko threw the rock that she was encased in. Washu chose to stay at Tenchi's place with Ryoko. She made Tenchi's small basement into a multidimensional laboratory where she spends most of her time. She seldom comes out, but when she does she usually causes trouble with her wacky inventions. Washu is one of three goddesses, her sisters are Tsunami and Tokimi. Washu is the one responsible for the inter-dimensional tunnel that the gang used to visit Tenchi in Tokyo. Washu is slightly eccentric, but very funny and sweet. She likes to be referred to as "Washu-chan" or "Little Washu."
NAME: Mihoshi Kuramitsu SEX: Female AGE: 20 PHYSICAL AGE: 20 HAIR COLOR: Blond EYE COLOR: Blue ORIGIN: Earth? If you have a case that needs to be solved soon, find someone else other than Mihoshi Kuramitsu! (PLEASE!) From your first glimpse of her, Mihoshi is not an average 1st Class Detective of the Galaxy Police. Having a Grandfather who happens to be the Grand Marshal of the Galaxy Police pretty much landed her a good position in the Force, a supped up space ship and an Illegal Galaxy Police cube with many other "secret" features, even though her graduation scores must have been unsightly. Mihoshi is a competent officer that is quite down on her luck (and brain power!). Mihoshi seems to have magic-like fingers; magic in that everything she touches seems to either self-destruct, smash, or just plain break. While Mihoshi and Washuu seem to have the greatest rivalry; in that whatever Washuu makes, Mihoshi breaks. With this special "power" she has, Mihoshi seems to be able to get herself in the tightest of troublesome spots and yet still escape with no harm. What she lacks in brain power, she makes up with pure and unstoppable luck.
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