Things You Will Never Hear Tenchi Characters Say

Sasami- "I hate all of you!"

Sasami- "If I have to cook one more meal i'm gunna..."

Sasami- " .:sigh:. It's good to be lazy and care free."

Sasami- "I hate cooking..."

Ayeka- "I hate being a princess!"
Sasami- "I love being a princess!"

Ryoko- "All I do is cook and clean around here!"

Ayeka- "I'm so humble.. I never mention that I'm a princess."

Mihoshi- "5n+5+35x23.6m-6(sq) is greater than 8734.84374h+1/2 the width of a hexagon-28%."

Kiyone- "I love working with you, Mihoshi"

Kiyone- "I love being stationd on Earth!"

Noboyuki- "Tenchi, if you bring another women into this house I'm going to kill you!"

Noboyuki- "All the chicks dig me!"
Tenchi- "Dad, I wish i had as much luck with women as you do."

Mihoshi- "Cartoons rot your mind!"

Ayeka- "Ahh! My skin! Anyone got any wrinkle cream?"

Kiyone- "Tenchi, you under arest for kidnapping the princesses of Jurai!"

Sasami- "I hate my job."

Sasami- "All this love stuff is gunna make me puke!"

Mihoshi- "As you can see on my résumé I am very skilled in many areas, and have a degree in physics."

Sakuya- "If that Tenchi kid hangs around me anymore I'm goin to hit him with my books!"

Amagasaki- "Wresteling is fake, I never watch it."

Katsuheto- "Tea is bad for you!"
Tenchi- "Awww, but Grandpa..."

Mihoshi- "Washu needs my help building a time transport, I am skilled at building those you know..."

Ayeka- "Get me a beer!"
Sasami- "Yes, right away, Princess Ayeka!"

Yugi- "Sasami, I want to be friends with the rest of you family to!"
Sasami- "Yugi, I told you, we already have a dumb blond in the family!"

Achika- "I married Noboyuki for his money!"
Tenchi- "So i was an accident?"

Misaki- "Get that dirty cabbit away from me!"

Nagi- "Naw, I'm not a bounty hunter, I am playing hide and seek tag with Ryoko."

Ryo-Ohki- "Woof"

Misaki- "Ayeka, Sasami, You two are the worst children I've ever had!"

Washu- "Mihoshi? Would you come over here and help me with this problem?"

Kiyone- "Galaxy Police Policeman is on!"
Ayeka- "No! I'm waching the Packers vs. the Saints!" 

Tenchi- "Die Ayeka!"
Ayeka- "Azaka! Kamidake! Help me! Tenchi is trying to kill me!"
Azaka & Kamidake- "Sorry Lady Ayeka, it's out day off."

Wahsu- "Mihoshi, can I use that toasting machine in your laboratory?"
Mihoshi- "Sure, Washu, just take the sub-transporter to the 4th dimension. Now remember, put the bread in, push down the lever, and wait for it to pop back up."

Noboyuki- "Tenchi, I AM YOUR FATHER!"
Tenchi- "No shit Sherlock! Wheres you magnifine glass?"
Katsuheto- "I'm never taking you to a Star Wars movie again, Noboyuki!"

Misaki- "Who are these kids? And why do they keep calling me mommy?"

Misaki- "Ryoko, I think of you as the third daughter i never had..."
Ryoko- "Awww Mommy! I love you! I get my own room right? I won't have to share with Ayeka?"

Mihoshi- "Kiyone! I'm sick of your mumbling!"

Nagi- "Ryoko, I don't want to fight to the death... How about....PAINTBALL!!!!!

Sasami- "Tenchi! "I'm a little girl! Stop hitting on me!"

Tenchi- "Hey! All you bitches! Get in my pimp-mobile!"