7/20/03- Hey there...I fianlly got around to updating the polls and stuff...I'll do more later!
5-4-02-long time no see....ok so i lied aboutt he cowboy bebop mp3's--my bad...anywho--i DID get
some gundam wing mp3's on here today. im working on finding some more....thats all for now....ja ne!
5-12-02-hey! Today I finally got around to putting up some Cowboy Bebop Mp3's, and I also added a Gundam Wing pic.
gallery-there aren't very many pics there yet but I'll get more. Ja Ne!
6-02-02-'Lo everyone who actually comes here...lol....sorry I haven't done much lately
on here...I'll get to it- I haven't forgotten....i managed to get part of a secong page up for a Gundam pic gallery...all
for now...bye :D
8-9-02...Greetings...well. i actually managed to get a hold of a computer with a fast internet connection
so I decided to redo some of the site...I hope the humour and the fan fictions are easier for you to get to now. I'm not sire
what to do next- the poll is on the hom,e page if you want to help me to decide. all for now. Bye!
12-19-02...added an Inuyasha Image Gallery...more to come. I promise.
really. i swear......